Monday, October 15, 2012

Exotic Food that Can Only Be Found in the Streets of China

Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” - Mark Twain.

Asians are famous with regards to the stories about disgusting and strange eating habits. Western countries believed that the cultures of Asian countries are unique and differently nauseating, particularly, the chinese cultures.

The revolting stories of the chinese culture originated from the tale of cat and dog eating. The story was passed from word of mouth but there are no evidences that supports the sensational stories about chinese people.

As a traveler, I'm not just an adventure seeker, but also a culture enthusiast. To seek and experience the different cultures around the globe, requires courage, to try every food for the first time. Here are some of the exotic delicasies that can only be found in the streets of China.

Scorpion on Stick



Dog Brain Soup

Dog Liver with Vegetables

Goat Lung with Red Peppers

source: Chinese cultures


  1. Asians are famous with regards to the stories about disgusting and strange eating habits. Western countries believed that the cultures of Asian countries are unique. athletic clothing
