Friday, August 31, 2012

Dishes that Brazilians are Proud Of

Brazilian Foods are scrumptious and amazingly ambrosial. The native foods of Brazil are eaten all over the country. The Brazilian way of cooking has similarities with the South American neighboring countries. Brazilian dishes have three main ingredients , the feijao and farinha, these are typically served with poultry, fish, or red meat.

Stretching from the northern part of Brazil, through the central coast, and on the to the southern pampas, Brazilian dishes are made of mixtures of different cultures,. Originally the population in Brazil contributed the famous ingredients like cassava and guarana, the African slave contributed the Bahia, the popular cuisine of the coastal stage.

Here are some of the Brazilian Dishes that will surely make your mouth water.

Acaraje. A deep fried ball dish that is made from peeled black eyed peas. The common way to eat Acaraje is splitting it in half then pour some vatapa and caruru.

Kibbe. A popular Levantine dish that is cooked with minced onions and ground red meat. The best known variety of Kibbe is a torpedo shaped croquette.

Feijoada. The national dish of Brazil. Feijoada is a stew, the ingredients are beef, pork, and beans. The stew is best when it is cooked over a low heat in a thick clay pot. History of Brazil Dissertation help travelers distinguished the best cuisine in Brazil.

Vatapa. Brazilian delicacy that is made from shrimp, bread, coconut milk, finely ground peanuts, and mashed palm oil as its creamy paste.

Pao de Queijo. Is a mixture of baked cheese flavored small rolls, it s popular snack in northern Argentina, it is inexpensive and often sold by street side vendors.

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